Ultimate Road Trip Supply List

During our recent move to the SunCoast, these are some of the items we used to make the trip a little easier to handle =)

Headphones, to keep the kids movies & music in their ears. Volume limited to protect hearing...

Notebooks, 5 pack. Our kids are always making notes, creating stories, and jotting things down.

Gel pens, mixed pack so we get colorful drawings ;)

Insulated Snack bag is always a requirement for long or short road trips.

Packing cubes make it so much easier for everyone to organize their things. Also useful for keeping dirty clothes separate.

2 port USB car charger, you may need 2 or 3 of these =)

Kids travel pillow, so small heads don't bob too much when napping.

Sleep masks, 2 Pack | Great for kids and non-driving parents

iPad Case, sizes vary. With crumbs, spills, and drops - no one should leave their tablet unprotected.

SUV organizer, generic search depending on your vehicle.

Back seat organizer, a MUST for active road tripping kids.

Gazetteer for your local state and/or states you're driving through.

Benchmark Maps, perfect for exploring with their detailed Topo maps and great points of interest.

Tie down straps, for roof or trailer - make sure your load is secure!


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